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Today will be quite a different barrel. Loud
case two years ago in Mexico City. Case serial killer old man, Juana Barraza Samperio.
Of the many issues in the sociological turbulent development of Latin America, talked about it enough, and the problem was and is. And this extraordinary problem, if anyone has heard of similar cases in other countries? In such a religious country like Mexico the last part was so loud the story of sisters Gonzales, who led a small mess in the house in the countryside. As it turned out, in the garden behind the shrine of hiding more than 80 people! Almost all related to the run by the sisters 'business' of customers and prostitutes, who have bad impression on them.
About today's Mexico in terms of crime, murder, a mob in the streets we hear the mass of reports.
Case Barrazy was initially closed in 2008, when he was sentenced to 759 years jail. He has been in the works at Santa Martha Acatitla (that also everything in this country must start from "Santa"!) - a maximum security prison. What's interesting
forensic experts rated their awareness at the time of the crime for quite correct, what was so wrong? Childhood. Unfortunately, in many cases similar extreme of what the person survived in its early years of incredibly effecting a later time. For phobias, depression, emotional problems, etc. Samperio Barraza grew up in slums surrounding Hidalgo. For many years it was Wrestler lucha libre. She had a pseudo La Dama del Silencio. In this category there are two types of players: técnicos, that is, fair play and rudos - anything goes. She was rudos. As mentioned in an interview with the head of a lucha libre fan club - "You do not come to good girls, just his grandmother, who must work off something." She odreagowywała eternally drunken mother, who at the age of 12 years sold it to a neighbor for three beers. Lucha libre helped her escape from Hidalgo. Such a key to a better world. Killed a woman at the age of 1960-1990 years, she did it-as-she would take revenge on her mother, who ruined her life. Murdered in a characteristic way. Until her murder odowodniono few people, trying to prove more (a total of ok.80). In fact, the penalty Rather, it will not. Mexican law does not allow imprisoned for more than 50 years.
for zinteresowanych Temet link to the full article on this subject, which appeared in the "high heels".