Wednesday, June 3, 2009

How To Cheat Gpsphone

mess "Demo'95" 1999? MC (OSA 001 Records)

For some time we had seven hours of sleep as a sample in the basement of a primary school in Halembie. Shortly afterwards (ok.1992/1993) with amazement, we found that the window some kids dancing pogo yourself to our music. We then moved to another district, but the evil seed was sown, and went on deaf ears ... As the years came to light was one of the sparks for the rebirth of a dead time in Ruda punk rock (there were no longer fingers Irene, Depression, no concerts, etc.). Established crew, which eventually became very large crew and the band emerged in August Bajzel. Do not know if they played more gigs (I moved out at that time from his parents and lived in another district, then hung up in other areas and other people ...) - I remember only their concert at Halembie, in the forest - the so-called. "Blueberry". in 1995. recorded on a sample of 12 pieces, which a few years later (I'm not sure the exact date), issued on cassette Donald - then taking off with his record label / distribution - Records OSA (such as cassette and then delivered HNDM, 100 TVarzy mushroom, bootleg with singles Nausea etc.). Cassettes were duplicated at home, so probably not released their more than 50-100sztuk in total. Several years ago, Donald was forced by force, he went to Fatherlandu and sold Bezkocowi distro with a passenger.
The cassette has 12 tracks, including covers and Registration Gaga, rather poor quality. Recorded cassette composed
Czmokul - vocal
Siuda - drums
Milus aka Kubiak - bass
Karniol - guitar
I have no band photos, but as a consolation group photo of Fluff Fest # 1 in Pilsen, in 2000. While they were eating kwadracioka grasp - I Czmokul (this in a hat) and Przemek - at that time vocalist Bunker.

Karniol Czmokul and still are in the crew and appear on gigach, Kubiak and then played back to the shako in Anti Tor, then dropped out. Siudy fates are not known to me. Mess broke up shortly afterwards. The crew halembskiej related Bajzlem strong team emerged largely active to this day, in successive bands, concerts, reading libertarian, naziolami battles - at the turn of the century it was hard sometimes, but the bugs have been eradicated successfully. Currently, NS-and u can meet us perhaps the only time in Kochlowice when he comes on cocaine make a sincere stalks of Honor, which was burned in the crematorium, with us in Ruda. The crew of the Halemba stuck with hiphopowcami, skaterami, menelami etc., At times so that a stray naziol with amazement in the eyes of collecting such a beating from exudative types jabola before the block. I also remember when some unconscious action Bonehead from Chorzów unless you took a job at a bakery on Halembie. Every day after work, someone waiting for him until he did not slow ... Some stray nazioli team had ever spierdalać swimming in the lake halembskim the woods, losing on the road boots in the mud ... In the photo below Halemba Anti-Nazi Hooligans shortly after one of the shares in the captured Nazi garsonkach:
first Intro
third Brainwashing
4th Our Silesia
5th System
6th Short story
7th The top and bottom of the eighth
9th Gandzia
10th Satan
11th System give a fuck (Gaga cover)
12th Madman (Registration cover)


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