Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Pregnancy 33 Weeks Leg Pain And Swelling

it all started! Fountain impressions of training in art therapy.

Two crowded emotions of the day, which took place under the motto "Nothing but the art!" , were like a breath person, seemed on the surface after jump into the water and hungrily swallowing air.

Two days of sessions of art therapy!
TWO! This is the number of cups in the balance, when you look at who the top, easily can be seen in the outline of these bowls infinity sign.

Infinity two days gave me an idea of \u200b\u200bitself as a particle of life which capable of the rapid directional movement, like a current through the network, to give enough power to illuminate the vast space many people's lives.

I'm waiting for the next piece of infinity! Anticipation of the unknown potential discoveries within himself like a feeling of Columbus embark on voyage to learn more land and make sure that the Earth has no beginning and no end.

Earth, like I, is infinite)


Py.Sy. all that may be useful for you, I write on the subcortex of the brain and in a notebook), and in any case feel for yourself! No animals were affected)


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