Thursday, June 2, 2011

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Service selection palette of colors, combined with the image

To page of the website, presentations, booklets looked stylish and was combined with placed images, you need to pick a good color registration. Can take advantage of the proposed color palette in themselves editors when creating a presentation, brochure or website, and you can use special services.

ColourHunter - service to obtain the desired panel, coupled with an illustration. You can download picture or photo with your PC , indicate URL-address pictures from the Internet, take service Flickr . Under each color palette is given a number.
- Using this button you can change color saturation.
No registration is required. You can also use ready-made examples, which is on the page.

CSSdrive - service for professional use received a palette of colors. For a palette to choose an image to upload from your PC or enter a URL-address of the image, and then click GET PALETTE. When you point to choose from a palette color comes with a number. No registration is required.
- Maximum file size: 1 MB.
- Supported image types: .. PNG, GIF, JPG or JPEG images ...
- Generated samples palette for Photoshop, and styles CSS

Saturday, May 28, 2011

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Version 1.8.0

  • New Scheme for the London Underground - Tube + National Rail in zones 1-6. For those planning to visit London, you now have the opportunity to choose their route not just on the subway, but the city tram lines and railway within the city. Oyster tickets are available on all these 3 modes. Ie by metro ticket you can travel, after the release, and the tram, and the local "Eletrichke" (national rail z1-6).
  • optimized size of the program. The new version dropped from 1.3 Mb to 0.98 Mb, with the increased functionality of the program. Size reduced by optimize the size of the graphics in the program. Optimized for 202 images.
  • new feature : "List of recent routes." Very fast way to build a route for which you have recently traveled. Just doing "a long tap on the map and select one of the recent routes.
  • new feature : Viewing exits / entrances Subway on the scheme of the streets. To do this, click the desired station - click on "What's next?" - "Other" - "street layout." The station will be shown on guglokarte. Moreover, if a slightly larger map scale will show the (small circles) all inputs / outputs of the metro to the station.
  • Improved search the city's attractions.
  • new line of information about the current route : Shows the time, transplants and the number of found routes to the convenient and intuitive way. It made some of the same controls.
  • Voice Search has learned to look for virtually any data. Now using your voice, you can: find the station, build a route to find and marked on the map every element of your favorites, combine search route on the map with the elected, to find any sight of the city and know which station is closest is located, find the nearest metro station at the city.
  • Choice stations in large metro map (such as London, Moscow, Madrid, ...) become more intelligent. If one station stop 2a and more routes, such as art. China City or King Cross Pancras, then the program more do not ask the user a choice of one of these stations and automatically selects the one through which the construction of the route will be shorter.
  • notification when following of the route has become much more informative. Now in the "tree" displays information: the stations between which we're going, the progress of the movement between these stations, the progress of the movement from the beginning to the end of the route, time of arrival at the nearest station, time of arrival at the final station of the route back The countdown to the next station until the end of the route.
  • new feature : If you are running a route to go into the details of the current route, the program calculates and displays the time through which we arrive at each of the stations of the route and the time elapsed from the moment we passed each of the previous stations. Very useful for measuring the arrival time at any of the stations.
  • In the setting of an opportunity to replace the standard phrases of voice navigation. You can choose the phrases that the program will pronounce upon the occurrence of certain events during their journey along the route.
  • Improved algorithm follow the route.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

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Service joint tape time Dipity

create ribbons of time can be individually, but you can group. Such an opportunity provides a service .
When creating tape time, you can add information card illustrations (from the computer, at URL), text, links, videos.
You can add the date of BC, for example 677 BC - 677 BC or simply 15 April 2011. If you want to specify a start date and end of the event, then it is introduced in the format "MM / DD / YYYY, H: M: S to MM / DD / YYYY, H: M: S" (without the time or MM / DD / YYYY to MM / DD / YYYY). You can specify
scene (eg, Moscow, Brussels) or latitude and longitude. Event Location may be determined based on information from links, videos, description, etc. If you think that this place is incorrect, you can edit it manually at any time.
After registering on the site for building your tape time need to press + Creat a Timeline .
window opens in which you want to fill in data produced by the tape of time and set up a way to access it. Setting Access can be done later, after a tape of time. What to write?

Topic Name - name tapes of time (best to enter the Latin or Eng. text, otherwise the list will then abracadabra)
Description - Description
Timezone - Time zone, for example, (GMT +03:00) Moskow +00
Category - Category tape time
Topic Thumbnail - image-logo for the band of time. You can:
  • Upload - download from PC
  • Paste an image URL here - link to an image from the Internet. Be sure to click OK
Permissions - Setting up access.
  • Private - just for you.
  • Anyone (Any) ,
  • People you follow (Who watches the tape of time, ie users can click Follow to your belt, thus showing that interest in the topic),
  • The following people (People who are given access, entering their email email separated by commas).
you can customize for each group a different type of access:
  • Can Viev (view only),
  • Can Contribute (can add your own objects a tape of the time, but can not edit someone else's),
  • Can Edit (can create, edit all the objects and settings tape time).
try to work with a ribbon of time can be anyone who registers and clicks Follow tape time at .
Finished strip of time, you can view on the screen in different modes:

  • Timeline - as the tape time
  • Flipbook - each event separately
  • List - a list of events
  • Map - the scene indicated at creating map
tape time, you can embed in your blog or page. To do this, click on the link Embed, customize the display. Here you can set the type of representation on the screen (Timeline, Flipbook, List, Map), Size - the size of the window / other modes can not touch it, or experiment on their own. Then out of the window E mbed Cod copy the code and paste it into your blog or website mode HTML.

To create a new events need to click Add an Event. opens for description of the event.

  • Title - Event name
  • Date - event date
  • Description - Event Description
  • Picture - an illustration of the events
  • Link - link to the article about the event
  • Location - Event Location
  • Video URL - link to the video on the event
After describing Events click Save .

If you want to further edit the event, but the highlight event, and press Edit in the upper right corner of the card Events

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Bookshelf of Calameo

Service Calameo allows you to create interactive electronic document for reading on a computer. This creates a sense of reading a paper document: you can turn the pages, to mark places of interest, zoom in ... in magazines, brochures, catalogs, reports, presentations and more. You can create groups and place the work of several users.

Supported File Formats

Microsoft Office OpenOffice Прочие
Microsoft Word   Microsoft Word (.doc, .rtf) Writer   Writer (.odt, .ott, .sxw, .stw) Document Adobe PDF   Adobe PDF (версии 1.1 -- 1.6)
Microsoft Powerpoint   Microsoft Powerpoint (.ppt, .pps) Impress   Impress (.odp, .otp, .sxi, .sti) Текст   Text file (. Txt)
Microsoft Excel Microsoft Excel (. Xls) Calc Calc (.. ods,. Ots,. Sxc,. Stc)

And, you can install on your own blog or site that's so pretty widgets a bookshelf. To obtain such a widget you:

  1. Register service Salameo
  2. Upload your documents
  3. Go to section "My publications" and find in the upper right corner of the link "Built as the icon library"
  4. Settings icon library: subject, number of rows (Shelves), actions, options, etc.
  5. Copy from the "Embed code" code to paste on website (blog).
  6. 's website (blog) mode and in HTML (or gadget HTML) insert code on the page.
Here you'll have a nice shelf with your materials or student work. So you can arrange an exhibition of works such as his portfolio, etc.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

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Free Online Platform Teacher

Chalkface project - Project for secondary education in the UK.
  • best online courses
  • lesson plans Table
  • free samples to download
  • available in electronic and paper format
The project is an electronic resource Yacapaca , which is a free online platform. Yacapaca helps teachers assess students using different methods. It includes tests and analysis tools, and has a full set of development tools. Community of authors creating and improving the evaluation of new materials, which then become accessible to all.

looked one of the courses for learning Russian as a foreign language and an example of job posted here. Not all yet clear how and what to do, but I think that you can use to create jobs for students in remote form of training (not only)

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Vector Graphics: the online editor

SVG-Editor , who works in any modern browser, an editor, create a vector image.
Opportunities and tools:
  • Ink Picture
  • lines, polylines
  • Rectangle / Square
  • Ellipse / Circle
  • Landfills / Curved lines
  • styled text
  • Bitmaps
  • Select / Move / resize / rotate
  • Undo / Redo
  • Color / Gradient selection
  • Group / ungroup
  • Align
  • Enlarge
  • Layers
  • Conversion figures
  • Wireframe mode
  • Save Image kakSVG
  • Creating a linear gradient
  • view and edit SVG-sources
  • Language Interface
  • Change the canvas size
  • Change background
  • Moving
  • Resizing Custom Interface (SVG icons)
  • Opening local files
  • Import SVG into Drawing
  • connecting lines and arrows
  • Architecture Plugins
  • Smooth lines by hand
  • Editing beyond the canvas
  • Enhanced support for elements of the SVG
  • Add / Edit sub-paths
  • Support markup (MathML)
  • Radial gradients
  • Customizable options
  • eyedropper tool
  • Progress LineJoin and LineCap
  • Export to PNG

Sunday, April 3, 2011

What Does A Wolf Symbolise.

Update "Metro 24" version 1.7.15

list of changes:
  • Feature searching subway stations to the nearest landmarks. example, can dictate to voice mail program "Dmitrovskoe 101" and find out what the metro stations closest to that address. You can not just dictate, but to manually enter the names of places, example, enter the "Red Square" and the program will give the next 5 to her station Metro.
  • acceleration start and run an application as a whole.
  • mapping tips "Which car to sit down?" for the London Underground.
  • Timetables for the metro Los Angeles.
  • new subway map: Madrid (Spain).
  • New English and English translations of the application.
  • Improved navigation functions along the route, auto centering on a blue dot at the opening program in the process of following a route.
  • Offline schedule an Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kiev. Opportunity to make a shortcut of any cached calendar on your desktop to access the offline schedule in one click.
  • Templates routes. Ability to configure the program so that she built the route at startup if we are at a given station at a specified time and day of week. Ie If we regularly travel around for work at 8-9 am Mon-Fri, you can teach the program to build the route to work when running at this time and include navigation.
  • more contrasting route line. Route on the map now become more visible.
  • mapping in real-time map of London stations, which are repair, there are delays of trains, an accident on the line, or other activities of hindering the normal movement of trains.
few new screenshots:

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Editing photos online editor Picnik

Another Editor-in image processing directly on the Internet. Photos can be taken as from my computer and with Internet service
What can be done in the editor?
  • Edit your photos
  • Crop, rotate the image, resize it
  • Apply special effects: from art to fun
  • use the tool of high quality fonts
  • apply a set of figures, hand-picked designers
  • create greeting cards and much more sladshou
to work with the editor can be on the platforms Mac, Windows and Linux. Downloading and installing is not required. You can install browser extension for more convenient work with the editor. There are detailed help with the service Picnik

Saturday, March 26, 2011

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create, customize and share their widgets

- provides the ability to easily create, customize and implement in your webpage, blog, or social profile widgets. There is a set of of the 4 widgets.

99Stats - web traffic analysis. installing this widget you can learn: how many visitors come to your site, which keywords were selected to go to your site, what page of your site are most popular, what countries your visitors, какие браузеры они используют и многое другое ...
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