Service joint tape time Dipity create ribbons of time can be individually, but you can group. Such an opportunity provides a service .
When creating tape time, you can add information card illustrations (from the computer, at URL), text, links, videos.
You can add the date of BC, for example 677 BC - 677 BC or simply 15 April 2011. If you want to specify a start date and end of the event, then it is introduced in the format "MM / DD / YYYY, H: M: S to MM / DD / YYYY, H: M: S" (without the time or MM / DD / YYYY to MM / DD / YYYY). You can specify
scene (eg, Moscow, Brussels) or latitude and longitude. Event Location may be determined based on information from links, videos, description, etc. If you think that this place is incorrect, you can edit it manually at any time.
After registering on the site for building your tape time need to press + Creat a Timeline .
window opens in which you want to fill in data produced by the tape of time and set up a way to access it. Setting Access can be done later, after a tape of time. What to write?
Topic Name - name tapes of time (best to enter the Latin or Eng. text, otherwise the list will then abracadabra)
Description - Description
Timezone - Time zone, for example, (GMT +03:00) Moskow +00
Category - Category tape time
Topic Thumbnail - image-logo for the band of time. You can:
- Upload - download from PC
- Paste an image URL here - link to an image from the Internet. Be sure to click OK
Permissions - Setting up access.
- Private - just for you.
- Anyone (Any) ,
- People you follow (Who watches the tape of time, ie users can click Follow to your belt, thus showing that interest in the topic),
- The following people (People who are given access, entering their email email separated by commas).
you can customize for each group a different type of access:
- Can Viev (view only),
- Can Contribute (can add your own objects a tape of the time, but can not edit someone else's),
- Can Edit (can create, edit all the objects and settings tape time).
Finished strip of time, you can view on the screen in different modes:
- Timeline - as the tape time
- Flipbook - each event separately
- List - a list of events
- Map - the scene indicated at creating map
tape time, you can embed in your blog or page. To do this, click on the link
Embed, customize the display. Here you can set the type of representation on the screen (Timeline, Flipbook, List, Map),
Size - the size of the window / other modes can not touch it, or experiment on their own. Then out of the window E
mbed Cod copy the code and paste it into your blog or website
mode HTML.
To create a new events need to click
Add an Event. opens for description of the event.
- Title - Event name
- Date - event date
- Description - Event Description
- Picture - an illustration of the events
- Link - link to the article about the event
- Location - Event Location
- Video URL - link to the video on the event
After describing Events click Save .
If you want to further edit the event, but the highlight event, and press Edit in the upper right corner of the card Events