Wednesday, May 4, 2011

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Bookshelf of Calameo

Service Calameo allows you to create interactive electronic document for reading on a computer. This creates a sense of reading a paper document: you can turn the pages, to mark places of interest, zoom in ... in magazines, brochures, catalogs, reports, presentations and more. You can create groups and place the work of several users.

Supported File Formats

Microsoft Office OpenOffice Прочие
Microsoft Word   Microsoft Word (.doc, .rtf) Writer   Writer (.odt, .ott, .sxw, .stw) Document Adobe PDF   Adobe PDF (версии 1.1 -- 1.6)
Microsoft Powerpoint   Microsoft Powerpoint (.ppt, .pps) Impress   Impress (.odp, .otp, .sxi, .sti) Текст   Text file (. Txt)
Microsoft Excel Microsoft Excel (. Xls) Calc Calc (.. ods,. Ots,. Sxc,. Stc)

And, you can install on your own blog or site that's so pretty widgets a bookshelf. To obtain such a widget you:

  1. Register service Salameo
  2. Upload your documents
  3. Go to section "My publications" and find in the upper right corner of the link "Built as the icon library"
  4. Settings icon library: subject, number of rows (Shelves), actions, options, etc.
  5. Copy from the "Embed code" code to paste on website (blog).
  6. 's website (blog) mode and in HTML (or gadget HTML) insert code on the page.
Here you'll have a nice shelf with your materials or student work. So you can arrange an exhibition of works such as his portfolio, etc.


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