Thursday, August 20, 2009

Body Painting Genitals

NFI (Noise Factory Imbecyles) - "Stop Racism!" 1993 MC (DIY)

I'm pretty sure that no one knows this band. One of the many tapes, which was getting in the time of publishing activity Enigmatic. Sometimes the postman brought to 2-3 cartridges per week from various bands, who were looking for a publisher or wanted to catch up on some show. Noise Factory Imbecyles were from Dabrowa Mining and nothing more about them I do not know the total. Only that program guides do not think too long, and their ruins quickly made a bit more familiar Days Of Grace, who gave up the tape in Kornicore and where he began playing guitar Simon that for a while joined the Sosnowiec Frontside . I remembered the tape when I met Simon at a recent gig in Katowice, some ...
cassette was recorded on a sample of 05.09.1993r. and contains six numbers, rather typical for those times, hardcore / punk Ĺ‚upanki. Track # 5 is probably some cover!? The band played composed
Melon - vocal
Court - Fazi
guitar - bass, vocal
Petya - drums

first Racism
second Hate
third Red - Black
4th Your socks
5th Coin
6th Pig grandmother

Well, no more revelations, but it's some sort of There, however, the story of the local scene. If someone knows something more about the band, please comment. I've never seen another copy of that tape. I suppose that the team did some (pathname) pieces for friends and for the "promotion". So this is a truly unique ...



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