Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Brazilian Waxing For Male In Tokyo

"Metro 24" version 1.2

The new version improves the user interface, given attention to usability.

Thus, the new chips:

1. The icons in context menus. Looking quickly clings to a picture than text. This given special attention. Added informative and beautiful icons in all context menus and replaced some icons in dialogs.

2. new chip: Avtopodgon scale of the map while navigating through the routes. Previously, when searching for the route map will automatically zoom and moved so that the trip as comfortable as possible was visible on the screen. Many people liked this feature, so I developed the idea. Now, in addition to this route will automatically fit into the screen while navigating through the list possible routes by green arrows. Avtopodgon scale is, in this case, only if the route does not fit into the screen. Made it to not strain the user's permanent zoom screen. It turned out, I think, comfortable and not intrusive.
Fitted with paging route

3. Buttons on the main screen are translucent for better viewing card. Top buttons reordered so that for him it was easy to get large finger, holding the smartphone in one hand. Fixed Units. Added setting off the zoom buttons to devices with multitouch.

4. Fixed and improved GPS, an accelerometer and magnetic compass.

5. new chip: Selecting the station on a map on the small screen, or a strongly reduced scale maps. If the reduced click the map scale (roughly) to the desired station, then the program while in the zone of tapa several stations, asked to select from a list of the one did you mean. The option works intellectually, and not just issue all the stations that you have covered with your finger, but only those that you might want to choose. :)

6. Improved performance filter choice of stations on the first letter in the search. Increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe preview and added a beautiful button to display the keyboard for devices without built-in keyboard Softpedia.

7. A context menu with a long-tap'e favorites. Now the favorites are not necessarily allocate the item to go menu and click "Show on the map, you can simply click on the item, and little finger hold. After that pops up a context menu where you can they do the same action.

8. Fixed some messages to be more readable, reduced size of the main program by removing do not use resources.

9. new chip: added the ability to upload alternate maps of one and the same city. At the same time for example, added two alternative maps: Moscow and St. Petersburg.

10. Changed the program icon for the PRO and FREE version, something to make it easier to find among the city maps on Android Market'e.

As usual, the reference to Annex in Android Market'e.




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