Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What Font Is Used In Real Housewives Logo?

"Living drawings"

mathematicians, and other subject teachers, which the study material needed an illustration in the form of graphs, geometrical figures, drawings, this program will be very useful. It is convenient to use when working on an interactive whiteboard or a computer class - then the kids have the opportunity, will do the job on the computer, then send it to the teacher by e-mail or post in the e-environment. In this program, you can even create tests

presentation Anna Semenova) Program russified. You can install it on your PC by downloading from the official website of the program
Geogebra , as well as it can be used online as a web service
. Some useful links:
Introduction to the program GeoGebra. Part 1

Part 2 .
Charts trigonometrichekih functions in the program GeoGebra.
blog is ready applets (in English). collection of video-on work with GeoGebra. GeoGebra. An article in Wikipedia
An excerpt from the article
Ludmila Christmas


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