Tuesday, November 3, 2009

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such I have never myself have not seen ...

literally just realized - I fell in love!

fatal ...

It is amazing ... People in his pictures are very different, but such angular, uncompromising, strong-willed, everything - from women and children to working men. Exchanging glances of them, I realized that he could not paint them! And he painted them the same angular lines, a bit nervously, but thoroughly, very thoroughly.

exchanging glances of his work, as if I was plunged into the world of this talented man, who lived at the beginning of last century. Though I know people his photographs and drawings, as if I just hurt for the same country for which they are ill ... Amazing ...

I found a piece of charcoal pencils, among which, the two years ago bought it, and let these people in a ... Slow, a little nervous, hysterical, strong ...

I fell irrevocably. In Ben's Shana.


Photo Ben Hashanah. My drawings. look through it ...

That I would never myself have not seen ...

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Art to hear ... see ... create.

Each line reflects the state the artist who draws her, his inner spirit and thought.

Line Ben Shana barbed like wire. Is it because he worried that critical social problems - the injustice of the bourgeois world, man's loneliness in the city, the desire of ordinary people to the world?

You can like or dislike. But his drawings - This is just another proof that line can talk! She speaks to those who learn to listen to it ...

We learn.


This entry a blog for those who like Ben Shan.

And even more for those who liked the other artist.

Our challenge - to see as much as possible, pay attention penetrate into essence
that every time you went after school to another, changing, and
to never have before.

I sincerely wish you to see!

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Creative Union of the art workshop "Pumpkin!" works)

We are actively working. Due to the fact that we have little visible activity until only the naked eye)

So, course "Discover the artist within" earned. participants are happy. In December, the money we go with the group to give joy to a local orphanage (what-we take together).

is planned for the next two weeks, a 5-hour master class on felting felted toys. It is the way to have New Year's holidays!
Gift your hands - it is always valuable! The room is. Today, open set in the group.

Scheduled for next month workshop to create amazing photos with an amazing atmosphere of sleep.
exhibition of photographs until otkladyvetsya - we are looking for suitable premises for her.

plans --- Spoken Film Club of a foreign language. idea in development.

Ethno-vechornitsі at Christmastide - the idea is under development.

Looking for enthusiasts who can help in translating conceived and offer new ideas. Naturally, the projects profitable, are paid.

Plus, we involved in charity work and collect money for those who need the joy that does not deliver the money itself, but rather that they can be used to make!

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Yesterday's occupation passed on "Hurray!"

We were immersed in the "language" line, not as a foreign language, as well as in the home.

guys went to (quote) "a head full of thoughts")

and the desire to more deeply dive into the creativity of artists)

I even thought to take a percentage of the sites of art galleries, which now will go for 8 more people))

Some have thought to begin to draw on colored cardboard and watercolor ... I think it is a victory! ))


is important to me that everyone took away from these Course dearest to him personally, freed himself, allowed himself to enjoy the process rather than outcome.

There are still many interesting things. I am already impatient to see the first work!

I assure you, guys! On all 101%!

See you Thursday!