Tuesday, November 3, 2009

How To Rock A Purple Dress Shirt

Yesterday's occupation passed on "Hurray!"

We were immersed in the "language" line, not as a foreign language, as well as in the home.

guys went to (quote) "a head full of thoughts")

and the desire to more deeply dive into the creativity of artists)

I even thought to take a percentage of the sites of art galleries, which now will go for 8 more people))

Some have thought to begin to draw on colored cardboard and watercolor ... I think it is a victory! ))


is important to me that everyone took away from these Course dearest to him personally, freed himself, allowed himself to enjoy the process rather than outcome.

There are still many interesting things. I am already impatient to see the first work!

I assure you, guys! On all 101%!

See you Thursday!


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