Tuesday, November 3, 2009

What Does A Wisdom Tooth Blood Clot Look Like

Art to hear ... see ... create.

Each line reflects the state the artist who draws her, his inner spirit and thought.

Line Ben Shana barbed like wire. Is it because he worried that critical social problems - the injustice of the bourgeois world, man's loneliness in the city, the desire of ordinary people to the world?

You can like or dislike. But his drawings - This is just another proof that line can talk! She speaks to those who learn to listen to it ...

We learn.


This entry a blog for those who like Ben Shan.

And even more for those who liked the other artist.

Our challenge - to see as much as possible, pay attention penetrate into essence
that every time you went after school to another, changing, and
to never have before.

I sincerely wish you to see!


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